Wednesday, 24 July 2013

NSFWG member Emma Coleman's novelette "SiGNALS"

NSFWG writer Emma Coleman's psychotic suspense novelette, SiGNALS gets a refreshed cover and eBook interior, courtesy of Greyhart Press.

Writes Tim C Taylor, publisher at Greyhart Press:

Of all the writers I have encountered in recent years, the one with the most unique style is Emma Coleman. Her dark prose is stalked by the psychotic and the surreal. I am privileged to have read several of her unpublished as well as published stories and was delighted when in 2011 she agreed to allow Greyhart Press to publish SiGNALS, one of her more mainstream novelettes.

Northampton stalkerSiGNALS is a tale of obsession. It is a tale of a stalker, and a quintessentially urban English stalker at that. This isn’t the seedy side on show of a big metropolis such as London. SiGNALS could be set in Kettering or the Gaffney Mark West often writes about. Or Northampton. Definitely Northampton.

We’re revising some of our covers. More on that in a later post. SiGNALS has not only had a fresh coat of paint over its exterior, but the eBook interiors have been rebuilt from scratch, so as to take advantage of the latest services, such as Smashwords Direct (for distribution to iTunes, Sony, Kobo and B&N) and the latest Kindlegen book compiler for Amazon.

At 10,500 words of story, SiGNALS is a novelette, a lengthier read than a short story, but short enough to read in one go without suffering sleep deprivation. It’s a length that I enjoy and I’m delighted to see that eBooks are bringing something of a resurgence for the mid-length novelettes and novellas — a form that outsold novels until a century ago.

At a recommended price of 99c or 77, why not try SiGNALS today?  Follow this link for more details.

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